Cinestill Xpro 800T 135-36
Regular price
279 kr
The second generation of CineStill film is now being produced!
With an improved and refined process, 800Tungsten is producing superb results in standard C-41 chemistry!
Great rated ISO 200-2000! Can be pushed to 3000! Original fresh stock from Kodak Vision3 500T 5219 prepped and rolled for clean safe C-41 standard development as an ISO 800 film. May also still be processed in motion picture ECN-2 chemistry.
Our very custom "Premoval" (patent-pending) process makes motion picture ( ECN2 / ECN-2 ) film safe to process in standard C-41 photo lab chemicals or at home.
Note: This film was designed to be processed in ECN-2 Chemicals and may still be processed in its native chemistry. Test results show consistent in standard C-41 machine processing when compared with ECN-2 motion picture lab processing performed by professional labs. Long term archival stability has not been tested past 3 years. Expectations for archival longevity should be somewhere between Kodachrome and most C-41 films, but there are no guarantees.